Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend!  There are only 9 days of school left.  Looking forward to being with little girl all day this summer!

My weekend started out picking up Blair.  She had worn her overalls, because grandma had taken her to the Farmer's Market that morning.  Always dressed for the occasion!  She's hard to get to sit still these days (hence the blurry picture)

We also made our weekly trip to Wal-Mart on Friday after school.  Fun times!

I don't cook on Friday's, so Matt brought home Taco Gringo.  Yummy!  I took a picture of my Chicken Soft Taco for ya.  After I took a bite of it.

Saturday morning, I did my run/walk.  I'm working on the Couch-to-5K program (again).  More about that later.

Saturday was spent at home cleaning the house.  Yahooo!  We finished with a fun dinner at Hu 4:30 pm.  Parent life.

Sunday morning we went to church and Blair looked super cute in her sailor outfit.  
She actually slept through most of church this week.  Usually, she naps as soon as we get home around 10:30.  She must have been extra tired, but it was great holding her and getting some snuggle time.

We did some laundry, made some baby food, and relaxed at home Sunday afternoon.

We ended the day by going with my parents to visit my Papa in Kansas and eating dinner with him.  

It was a great, relaxing weekend with my sweet, simple family.

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